About the Journal


Thematic scope

The journal is focused on the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The journal publishes original research and review papers on any subject regarding soil, plant and atmosphere and the interface in between. Manuscripts on postharvest processing and quality of crops are also welcomed.

Particularly the journal is focused on the following areas:
  • implications of agricultural land use, soil management and climate change on production of biomass and renewable energy, soil structure, cycling of carbon, water, heat and nutrients, biota, greenhouse gases and environment,
  • soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and ways of its regulation to increase efficiency of water, energy and chemicals in agriculture,
  • biodiversity, functions and interactions of microorganisms in the environment, in relation to sustainable agriculture and horticulture, as well as under changing climate, soil microbiology and mycology, the structure, activities and functionality of microbial communities, microbiomes and holobionts, new bio(techno)logical solutions for control, diagnostic and monitoring of plant diseases and soil health,
  • postharvest management and processing of agricultural and horticultural products in relation to food quality and safety,
  • mathematical modeling of physical processes affecting environment quality, plant production and postharvest processing,
  • advances in sensors and communication devices to measure and collect information about physical conditions in agricultural and natural environments.

Papers accepted in the International Agrophysics should reveal substantial novelty and include thoughtful physical, biological and chemical interpretation and accurate description of the methods used.

All manuscripts are initially checked on topic suitability and linguistic quality.


Abstracts and the full text of papers are available at www.international-agrophysics.org

The journal is indexed/abstracted in:
AGRICOLA (National Agricultural Library)
Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
EBSCO (relevant databases)
EBSCO Discovery Service
FSTA - Food Science & Technology Abstracts
Google Scholar
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded

Types of published articles

The journal publishes the original research papers, the reviews (survey publications) and the short communications (notes).
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