Effect of pea seed coat admixture on physical properties and chemical composition of bread
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Engineering and Cereals Technology Department, University of Life Sciences, Skromna 8, 20-704 Lublin, Poland
Int. Agrophys. 2010, 24(2): 149-156
A study was made on the effect of an admixture of pea hulls (Pisum sativum L.) and of the degree of their fragmentation on the results of test laboratory baking (dough yield, bread yield, oven loss, total baking loss), on the physical properties of the bread (volume of 100 g of bread, crumb porosity, water absorption index value, water solubility index value, and on the chemical composition of the bread, including moisture content, protein, crude fibre, particular fractions of detergent fibre, dietary fibre as well as on the results of sensory assessment. The study showed that pea hulls, applied at levels of up to 10%, may be a good source of dietary fibre in bread, while retaining its white colouring, similarity to traditional wheat bread, and acceptable physical properties and sensory values.