Elastic and strength properties of round agricultural products
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Department of Physics, University of Agriculture, 16521 Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic
Publication date: 2021-08-27
Int. Agrophys. 1994, 8(4): 543-546
Contact deformation of a round agricultural product can be approximately described using the classical elastic theories. Hertz theory of compression of an elastic spherical body and empirical relation between the strength and the modulus of elasticity of agricultural materials give the relation between the fictive strength and the square root of the correspondent relative compression of a spherical agricultural product. This relation makes clear why the damage of deformed round agricultural products appears at much lower stresses than is usually visible on real compression curves. Compression of berry-like fruits between two plates can be understood on the basis of an elastic model in which the skin tension plays the most important role. Using this model for different berry-like fruits some values of the Young's modulus (50-200 MPa) of their skin have been obtained and these values are in good agreement with the results of previous experiments.