Evaluation of shrink-swell potential of soils by two procedures
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Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Publication date: 2020-09-25
Int. Agrophys. 1992, 6(3-4): 137-143
The swelling potential (S) values of fifteen topsoil samples from northcentral Italy estimated from their plasticity indices were compared with their volumetric shrinkage potential (VS) computed from measured coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE) data. The absolute values from the two methods were different but the relative order of shrink-swell potential produced by them was the same for all soils. Hence both methods give the same information on the potential of these soils to change volume with changes in moisture content. Since it is easier and less time-consuming to measure COLE than plasticity index, computation of volumetric changes from linear shrinkage data is a better method than prediction from measured Atterberg's consistency limits. However, an univariate model of the form VS=3.28 (PI)-33.48, (r2=0.99), adequately predicted VS in all five test soils and shows that below a PI of 10% volumetric change due to moisture stress is not expected on these soils.
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