Influence of flooding and different temperatures of the soil on gas-filled porosity of pea, maize and winter wheat roots
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Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, P.O. Box 201, 20-290 Lublin 27, Poland
Acceptance date: 2000-02-18
Int. Agrophys. 2000, 14(4): 401-410
Development of gas-filled root porosity in response to various levels of oxygen supply was tested for Pisum sativum cv. Iłowiecki, Zea mays cv. Alma F1, Triticum aestivum cv. Rosa and CZR 1406. Eight-day old seedlings were subjected to differentiated aeration conditions (control with pore water pressure of about 15 kPa and flood treatment) for 12 days at three soil temperatures (7, 15 and 25 oC). The above-ground parts of the plants were grown at the temperature of 25 oC, while the soil tem- perature was differentiated by keeping cylinders with the soil in the thermostated water of appropriate temperature. The results obtained suggest that plant adaptation in the form of aerenchyma formation is efficient in the case of winter wheat at the lowest temperature, and maize at 7 and 15 oC, when the respiratory activity is not too high. Pea plants are able to adapt in the entire temperature range under consideration. Aerenchyma formation in plant roots is connected with plant adaptation to environment and bene- ficially influences functioning of the ecosystem.
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