Some physical and nutritional quality parameters of storage apple
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Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, P.O. Box 201, 20-290 Lublin 27, Poland
Department of Human Nutrition, Warsaw Agriculture University (SGGW), Nowoursynowska 166, 02-766 Warszawa, Poland
Biochemistry Chair, University of Agriculture, Akademicka 13, 20-934 Lublin, Poland
Acceptance date: 2000-10-18
Int. Agrophys. 2001, 15(1): 13-18
The authors developed a sorting line for sizing and sorting of apples. Different size apples were taken from storage and were sorted to improve fruit quality. Apples from the outlets of sorter were carefully analysed in terms of size, weight and colour to assign a fruit quality index. The taste of fruit and some nutritional values (reducing sugar, L-ascorbic acid) were determined to achieve a final fruit quality index.