Sorption properties of separate granulometric fractions in Haplic Cambisol
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Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Department of Soil Environment Sciences, Division of Soil Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland
Acceptance date: 2018-11-04
Publication date: 2019-02-14
Int. Agrophys. 2019, 33(1): 137-143
The research was focused on testing the sorption properties of granulometric fractions isolated from genetic horizons of Haplic Cambisol developed from old-alluvial deposits of the Vistula River valley. The granulometric fractions were isolated using the Atterberg method, without centrifugation and application chemical peptizers. Granulometric fraction exchangeable sorption capacity was particularly similar to the fraction of soils developed from post-glacial rocks in the studied soil. The cation exchange capacity of the granulometric fractions increased with decrease of grain dimensions with mean value in cmol(+)kg-1 and contribution in particular fractions at 1-0.1 mm – 0.89 (0.9%), 0.1-0.02 mm – 2.3 (2.2%), 0.01-0.02 mm – 7.91 (8.0%), 0.01-0.005 mm – 16.17 (15.6%), 0.005-0.002 mm – 27.6 (27.6%) and <0.002 mm – 78.98 (45.7%). Sorption properties of the examined soil determine its high agricultural value and resistance to chemical degradation. The dominating cations in the particular granulometric fractions sorption complex were exchangeable calcium and hydrogen, and the leaching process reduced the granulometric fraction calcium content in the surface levels and at the same time increased the hydrogen content. Leaching process intensity in individual fractions decreased gradually as their dimensions decreased, which explains the high susceptibility of coarse-grained soils (sandy soils) to this process.
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