Spatial characteristics of water conductivity in the surface level of Polish arable soils
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Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, P.O.Box 201, 20-290 Lublin 27, Poland
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming, Department of Land Use, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
Acceptance date: 2002-04-15
Int. Agrophys. 2002, 16(3): 239-249
The research presents spatial characteristics of water conductivity in the arable layer of Polish soils. It was found that the lowest water conductivity is 0.00087 cm day1 and the highest 5900 cm day1. Due to the considerable differentiation of water conductivity in the surface layer of the Polish arable soils, comprehensive spatial characteristics with a division into high, medium and low water conductivity was not possible.